
阿奇霉素和IFN-γ联用治疗小鼠弓形虫病效果 被引量:2

Therapeutic effect of azithromycin combined with IFN-γ on mouse toxoplasmosis
摘要 目的观察阿奇霉素和IFN-γ联用治疗小鼠弓形虫病的效果及小鼠体内细胞免疫功能的变化。方法将100只BALB/c小鼠随机分为感染对照组(A组)、阿奇霉素治疗组(B组)、阿奇霉素和IFN-γ治疗组(C组)、IFN-γ治疗组(D组)及空白对照组(E组)5组。A、B、C、D组均用弓形虫速殖子腹腔感染小鼠。B、C、D组于感染后24 h给药,连续5 d,观察10 d内小鼠的平均存活时间。同时在感染后第2、3、5天取小鼠尾静脉血测其CD4+、CD8+T细胞水平。结果C组小鼠存活时间明显延长,各时段CD4+T细胞水平均显著升高,CD8+T细胞水平显著降低,CD4+与CD8+T细胞比值明显升高。结论阿奇霉素和IFN-γ联用可提高小鼠弓形虫病的治疗效果,改善弓形虫感染后小鼠体内的细胞免疫功能。 In order to observe the therapeutic effect of azithromycin combined with IFN-γ on mouse toxoplasmosis and its impact on the cellular immune function of mouse,a total of 100 BALB/c mice were selected and divided into 5 groups,namely an infection control group(Group A),azithromycin treatment group(Group B),azithromycin combined with IFN-γ treatment group(Group C),IFN-γ treatment group(Group D) and blank control group(Group E).The mice in Group A,B,C,D were infected by Toxoplasma tachyzoites through intraperitoneal injection and those in Group B,C,D were treated with relative drugs 24 h later for 5 days.The survival time of mice in each group and the levels of CD4^+ and CD8^+ T cells in blood were observed.The results showed that azithromycin combined with IFN-γ could improve the therapeutic effect of mouse toxoplasmosis and the cellular immune function of mice.
出处 《中国血吸虫病防治杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期557-558,共2页 Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control
关键词 弓形虫病 阿奇霉素 IFN-Γ 治疗效果 小鼠 Toxoplasmosis Azithromycin IFN-γ Therapeutic effect Mouse
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