Objective To study the ultrasound anatomy and normal ultrasonography of pharyngeal recess. Methods 33 healthy persons with normal pharyngeal recess were examined by CT and nasal endoscope., and applyed body surface ultrasound examination via mastoid and gonial, observed its forwarding direction, relation of anatomic adjacent areas and ultrasonographic feature. Results Pharyngeal recess is located at the junction of the nasopharyngeal top and the posterior wall. The front inferior is the cavum nasopbaryngeum and the tubal torus; the rearward is the prevertebral soft tissues and centrum; the laterl is the parapharyngeal space soft tissues and styloid process. The center of pharyngeal recess is an air lacuna connecting cavum nasopharyngeum with 100% of ultrasound displaying rate. In the ultrasonography, the oblique coronary seetio of pharyngeal recess displayed as , with clear outer borders, even weak echo on the wall, and high echo of hyphen shape in the eavum center. The left and right lateral pharyngeal recess and cavum nasopharyngeum formed the shape as . Conclusion The best position for body surface ultrasound observation is the place between the mastoid and gonial. The oblique coronary sectio of gonial and the transaction between the mastoid and gonial are the important examining paths for body surface ultrasound displaying pharyngeal recess. Combining both methods will help to undertake thorough scanning and examination of pharyngeal recess. Gonial, mastoid and styloid processes are the three key anatomy elements in ultrasound examining pharyngeal recess.
Guangxi Medical Journal
Pbaryngeal recess
Ultrasound anatomy
Ultrasound examination