目的:了解徐州地区不同年龄段女性生殖道人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染状况及其分布规律,为徐州地区HPV分子流行病学研究提供依据。方法:以2009年2月~2009年5月来我院就诊的1299例可疑患者为对象,采集其阴道宫颈分泌物标本。用凯普医用核酸分子杂交系统(简称H ybriMax)进行21种HPV(8304、6、11、16、18、31、33、35、39、42、43、45、44、51、52、53、56、58、59、66、68)基因型的分型检测,分析常见感染亚型和分布规律。结果:HPV阳性总检出率为26.02%(338/1299),高危型主要为HPV16,其余依次为HPV58、52、68、33、53、18感染。低危型主要为HPV11、6、8304感染;<35岁、35~44岁、>44岁各年龄组中HPV阳性率分别为26.92%、26.79%、22.27%;宫颈癌患者以HPV16感染为主。结论:HPV6、11、16、58、52、68、33是徐州地区HPV感染的主要型别;不同年龄段HPV阳性率无显著性差异(P>0.05);对HPV阳性者进行定期跟踪是防治宫颈癌的重点。
Objective To study the distribution pattern of HPV genotypes associated with cervicitis in different age groups of women in Xuzhou area.Methods Cervical tissue specimens from 1299 women with cervicitis were examined with DNA extract PCR and nucleic acid hybridization technique(cape medical system) to determine the HPV genotypes associated with the 338 infected specimens(including HPV 8304,6,11,16,18,31,33,35,39,42,43,44,45,51,52,53,56,58,59,66,68).Results Of the 1299 specimens,HPV was detected in 338 specimens with a positive rate of 26.02%(338/1299).Among the high risk genotypes,HPV 16 was the most prevalent(n=109),followed by HPV 584,52,68,33,53,18 in order.The low risk genotypes consisted of chiefly HPV 11(n=45),6(n=38) and 8304(n=23).HPV positive rate in different age groups was: below 35,26.92%,35~44,26.79%,above 44,22.27%.Cervical cancer was detected in 20 specimens and 19 of which were associated with HPV 16 infection.Conclusion The most prevalent HPV genotypes associated with cercitis in women of Xuzhou area were HPV 6,11,16,58,52,68 and 33,with no significance difference among the HPV positive rates in different age groups.HPV 16 was the most high risk genotype with 19 cancers found in 109 specimens.Regular follow-up was most desirable in infected cases.
Journal of Radioimmanology
human papilloma virus
cervical cancer