文章针对含硫化黑染料废水的色度大、成分复杂的特点,采用混凝法对染料废水的脱色问题进行了研究。研究表明使用无机混凝剂氯化铁和硫酸铝处理含硫化黑染料废水时,铁盐的脱色效果要明显好于铝盐,当水样呈现中性或偏碱性,氯化铁的投药量为0.28 g/l,染料初始浓度为250 mg/l时,处理效果最佳,脱色率达到96.8%。同时还探讨了将有机混凝剂PAM与氯化铁进行复配处理含硫化黑染料废水的效果。结果表明当PAM投加量为0.12 g/l,氯化铁的投加量为0.28 g/l时,复合混凝剂的脱色效果最好,脱色率高达98.8%。
Sulfur black dye wastewater has high colority and complicated composition. Aiming at this characteristic, flocculation method was studied to decolorize the sulfur black dye wastewater in this article. The experimental results showed that when inorganic coagulants of ferric chloride and aluminum sulfate were used, the decolorizing effect of ferric salt was better than that of aluminum salt. When in neutral or slight alkaline condition with ferric chloride dosage of 0. 28 g/1 and initial dye concentration of 250 mg/l, the decolorizing effect was optimal, and the corresponding decoloration rate reached 96. 8%. The decolorizing effect treated by composite reagents with organic coagulant of PAM and ferric chloride was also study. The results showed that the composite coagulants had an optimal decolorizing effect when PAM dosage was 0. 12 g/1 and ferric chloride dosage was 0. 28 g/l, and the decoloration rate was 98. 8%.
Environmental Science and Management
dye wastewater
sulfur black dye
flocculation decolorization