Editor' s Note: In the grand narrative of political alternations and cultural changes, the literary changes can best embody the style of a great age, for instance, the campaign of "writing has the same forms" force - implemen- ted by First Emperor of Qin in the ancient times, and the "Evolution of Latin Characters" and the "Movement for the Simplification of Chinese Script" in the early fifties of the last century. In fact, behind the controversy between simplified and traditional Chinese characters is a ideological confrontation between the political radicalism and the cultural conservatism, or rather, a choice of either the rupture or the heritage of Chinese history and culture. Mr. Zhou Qingquan' s ideas on implementation of the " Chinese Character Simplification Project" had to be hid in the abdomen because he himself was deprived of the right to speak at that time. This editorial office solicited and pub- lished his manuscrip here in order to provide a reflection on and summary of the issues concerning the simplification of Chinese script and to show the historical progress that allows scholars to express independent views.
Journal of Chengdu University (Social Sciences)
simplified characters, "Evolution of Latin Characters", return to traditional Chinese characters, the Movement for the Simplification of Chinese Script