Ajax技术可以简化Web开发,通过将页面高度模块化,使数据与表现分离,从而可以使服务器端和客户端都可以很好的解耦,降低开发的复杂度。.NET Framework提供了对于Ajax的支持,但所提供的功能模块需要特殊处理才能实现需要的功能。该文通过实际网站构建试验,.Net平台,依照处理方案重新整合模块相信会对.Net平台上Ajax功能扩展起到更好的支持作用。
Ajax can simplify the Web development. Through the highly modularization of page, sepa- rating of data and presentation, which can make server-side and client-side can be good decoupling and reducing the complexity of development.. NET framework provides support for Ajax, but some of provided function modules need special disposal to accomplish these functions. If re-integrate modules in accordance with these approaches, believe it will be the better Supporting role to Ajax expansion in . Net platform.
Laboratory Science