
Kallmann综合征诊疗体会(附4例报告) 被引量:4

Clinical therapeutic tactics of Kallmann syndrome (report of 4 cases)
摘要 目的探讨Kallmann综合征诊疗方法。方法回顾分析我院4例Kallmann综合征临床资料结合文献加以分析,其中嗅觉丧失1例,伴有一侧耳听力障碍1例,智力低下1例,同时给予促性腺激素和性激素替代联合治疗。结果4例患者第二性征有不同程度的发育和改善,年龄最小1例患者治疗后精液检查存在精子。结论早期及时正确诊断和给予激素替代治疗,可以最大限度地缓解患者的临床症状并使其获得生育能力。 Objective To analyze the clinical therapeutic experience of Kallmann syndrome. Methods Clinical data of 4 cases with Kallmann syndrome was retrospectively analyzed and the related literatures were reviewed. One of them had unilateral hearing impairment, and another one had mental retardation. All cases received combined replace- ment therapy of gonadotropins and gonadal hormone. Results The clinical features of hypogonadism were significantly improved in all treated patients. For the treated youngest patient, sperms were detected in the semen. Conclusion Clinical symptoms of patient with Kallmann syndrome should be relieved significant under early diagnosis and early hormone replacement therapy.
出处 《中国男科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2009年第12期49-52,59,共5页 Chinese Journal of Andrology
关键词 卡尔曼综合征/病因学 诊断 药物疗法 Kallmann syndrome/etiology diagnosis drug therapy
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