
基础教育均衡发展:我们真的需要一个均衡发展指数吗? 被引量:24

The Balanced Development of Elementary Education: Do We Really Need an Index of Balanced Development?
摘要 基础教育均衡发展是实现教育公平的重要基石,在当前我国重视并推广基础教育均衡发展的背景下,学者们对教育均衡指数进行了系列探讨,有的有可取之处,有的纯粹是哗众取宠,实在是为了热门话题而造热门词汇。在回顾已有的典型性基础教育均衡发展指数研究时对它们加以论述,并试图提出另一种看法,就是没有必要为了基础教育均衡发展而非要造出一个均衡发展指数,尤其是总的均衡发展指数,此举实为画蛇添足,现有的公平/均衡测度指标体系已满足需要。 The balanced development of elementary education is the keystone for the equity of education. Under the circumstance of promotion the balanced development of elementary, many schlors advocate the index of balanced development of elementary education. Some of them are valuable, some of them are flubdub, it's for the sake of creating popular words for the popular topic. Review the researches of these index of balanced development of elementary education, it's necessary to evaluate them, and it's also necessary to put forward another point view, that it is not necessary to create a set of index of balanced development, especially the an complex index of balanced development, this modus operandi is really gild the lily because the existed measurement of equity is enough to measure the balanced issue.
出处 《教育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第6期9-15,共7页 Education Science
基金 作者主持的华中师范大学博士后基金项目<中国 印度基础教育公平政策比较研究>阶段性成果 广西大学科研基金项目<中国基础教育公平--基于区域资源配置的比较视角>阶段性成果 合同编号:XBS090164 (国务院发展研究中心)中国发展研究基金会"通用汽车.中国发展研究青年奖学金""博士论文奖学金"(2007-2008年度)资助项目<基础教育资源配置公平研究>阶段性成果 合同编号:2007基培字第P02号。本文系中国教育经济学2009年会大学宣读论文
关键词 基础教育 均衡发展 均衡发展指数 elementary education, balanced development, index of balanced development
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