
新型双偶氮化合物的合成、表征及光响应性能研究 被引量:2

The synthesis,characterization and photoresponse of a novel diazo compound
摘要 以苯甲酸为原料,通过多步反应合成了1种新型双偶氮化合物3,5-二-(4-羟基苯基偶氮)苯甲酸乙酯.利用IR1、HNMR、UV-vis进行结构表征.该化合物(1.2×10-5mol.L-1四氢呋喃溶液)紫外光谱K带的最大吸收波长为360 nm,其摩尔吸光系数ε为62 833 L.mol-1.cm-1.在365 nm紫外光照射下,该化合物发生反-顺光异构化,光照6 min后达到光稳定态,K带最大吸收波长蓝移33 nm.将其置于暗室,40 h后恢复原态.偶氮发色团反-顺光异构化转化率(R)、光稳态顺式异构体含量(Y)分别为52.26%,54.88%.在质子溶剂乙醇中,溶剂与该化合物形成分子间氢键,导致该化合物在365 nm紫外光照射下不发生反-顺光异构化. A novel diazo compound ethyl-[3,5-bis(4-hydroxyphenylazo)]benzoate was synthesized through multistep reactions with carboxybenzene as raw material.The structure was characterized by IR、1HNMR、UV-vis.The maximum absorption wavelength(1.2×10-5 mol·L-1 THF solution)、the molar absorption coefficient(ε) of the compound were 360 nm and 62 833 L·mol-1·cm-1.The compound took place trans-cis photoisomerization under 365 nm UV irradiation.The photostationary state was obtained after irradiation for 6 min.The maximum absorption wavelength(K band) of the compound blue shifted 33 nm.It recovered original state 40 h later in the dark.The efficiency of trans-cis photoisomerization(R)、the content of cis-isomer(Y) of azo chromophore were 52.26 % and 54.88%.In proton solvent(ethanol),due to the formation of the intermolecular hydrogen bond between solvent and the compound,the trans-cis photoisomerization of the compound was inhibited under 365nm UV irradiation.
出处 《辽宁师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2009年第4期466-468,共3页 Journal of Liaoning Normal University:Natural Science Edition
基金 辽宁省教育厅科学技术研究项目(2009A392)
关键词 双偶氮化合物 合成 表征 光响应性 diazo-compound synthesis characterization photoresponse
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