

A Power Difference Explanation for Quantitative Attribution Judgment
摘要 该文提出对由两个原因一起作用而产生的结果的定量归因判断的能力差异解释,认为对两个原因定量归因判断之间的差异主要取决于对两个原因能力评估之间的相对差异。两个实验发现,大学生被试一般能根据对两个原因能力评估的相对差异程度,对产生给定结果的贡献在两个竞争原因之间进行相应的比例分配;对两个原因贡献评估的差异随着对两个原因能力评估的相对差异程度的增大而增大。这支持对这种定量归因判断的能力差异解释。 Author supposes a power difference explanation for a quantitative attribution judgment.It claims that a relative difference in the contributions of two causes to the effects in the presence of both causes is determined by a relative difference of powers of two causes.Two experiments examined college students' power estimates and quantitative attribution judgments of two causes.The results from two experiments consistently showed that a relative difference in the contributions of two causes to the effects in the presence of both causes increased with a relative difference of powers of two causes,and college students can prorate the contributions of two causes according to a relative difference of powers of two causes.The results supported the power difference explanation for quantitative attribution judgment.
作者 王墨耘
出处 《心理学探新》 CSSCI 2009年第6期56-61,共6页 Psychological Exploration
关键词 定量归因判断 能力评估 贡献评估 能力差异解释 quantitative attribution judgment power rating contribution rating the power difference explanation
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