
花生重组近交系黄曲霉产毒抗性的变异与相关分析 被引量:6

Evaluation of resistance to aflatoxin formation in peanut RILs
摘要 以不同遗传背景的亲本远杂9102与中花5号杂交构建重组近交系(R IL)群体,进行人工接种和黄曲霉毒素含量测定。结果表明,R IL群体对黄曲霉的产毒抗性存在较大变异,产毒抗性为受亲本加性基因控制的数量性状,而且存在超亲优势,因此利用微效加性基因的累加和互补提高产毒抗性的潜力较大。相关性分析表明,R IL群体中黄曲霉产毒抗性与百果重、含油量、青枯病抗性之间相关性不显著,不存在紧密连锁关系。初步筛选到大果、高油、兼抗青枯病与黄曲霉产毒的优异材料,可以作为进一步育种研究的核心亲本。 Through artificial inoculation with A. flavus, aflatoxins (AFT) were quantitatively determined in 117 peanut recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross of Yuanza 9102 × Zhonghua 5. Significant variation of aflatoxin content was observed among the RILs and several recombinants with AFT less than the parental line were identified, which indicated that there was a feasible potential for improving the resistance to AFT formation by accelerating the concerned minor effect genes or locus. According to the correlation analysis, there was no significant correlation between the resistance to aflatoxin formation and pod mass, oil content and resistance to bacterial wilt (BW). Several elite lines with large pod,high oil content and desirable resistance to both BW and aflatoxin were identified, and these lines could be used in further breeding.
出处 《中国油料作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期455-459,共5页 Chinese Journal of Oil Crop Sciences
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(2006AA10A115 2006AA100106) 国家自然科学基金(30671311)
关键词 花生 重组近交系 黄曲霉产毒抗性 Peanut Recombined inbreed lines (RILs) Resistance to aflatoxin formation
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