八一煤矿开始试生产时为一座 30万 t/ a的水力采煤实验矿井 ,经过不断实践、创新 ,使矿井建设成了年产 75万 t的现代化水力采煤矿井。八一煤矿工程技术人员对水力采煤技术进行了较深入的研究。文中对八一煤矿生产工艺不断完善和对矿井取得很好的经济效益等情况进行了总结 ,并较全面的介绍了八一煤矿水力采煤技术发展的情况。
Through incessant renovation,Baiyi mine has turned from a 30 0 ,0 0 0 TPY experimental hydro- mine into a 750 ,0 0 0 TPY modern mine.The author outlines the mine's extensive technological in vesti- gations,incessantly updated technological process, and favourable economic result,to present an overall picture of the development of hydro- mining technol- ogy at the mine.
Hydraulic Coal Mining & Pipeline Transportation