
皇权再论 被引量:25

Another Discussion on the Imperial Power
摘要 通过以士大夫政治形成的宋代为基点,透过大量史料,分别从思想史与政治史的视角对中国历史上的皇权进行了历时性的考察。在思想史视野内的考察,主要阐述了王朝政治的参与者士大夫的皇权观与君主的自律意识。"君"或"君主",在先秦的指归为诸侯国君,自秦始皇开始则专指皇帝。然而,大一统的中央集权政治形成后的士大夫,则有意无视了这种不同,在儒学国教化以及理学的社会普遍化的强势背景下,大量发掘先秦政治言说中对君主限制的内容,作为限制君主制政体下绝对君权的理论武器。"君德成就责经筵",通过对皇子和皇帝进行的为君之道的正常制度化教育和潜移默化的影响,从士大夫的皇权观到君主的自律意识,成功地完成了理论位移。让多数君主在为君之道的框架内,难越雷池一步。在政治史视野内的考察,主要考察了在实际政治运作中的君臣关系。在君臣互相依存合作的前提下,历代士大夫为了防止名义上绝对君权的暴走脱轨,苦心积虑,对皇权实施了种种规范,本文归纳形容为"天"、"道"、"法"三个紧箍咒和"不文律"、"公议"、"留名的青史"三堵墙。本文还通过具体的政治实态揭示出,谏官、御史在多数情况下并没有完成天子法官的使命,却基本沦为政治集团的鹰犬。笔者视派系政治是理解中国政治史的一把钥匙。具体的考察显示,中国历史上的皇权经历了一个由人格化向非人格化转化的过程。尽管皇权在各个历史时期、甚至在同一王朝的不同时期消长都有不同,但实质性皇权由于政治制度的日臻完备等因素,发挥作用的余地愈来愈小,而显示权威的象征性因素却愈来愈大。 From perspective of history of thought, this paper makes a diachronie explanation on the imperial power in Chinese history, focusing on the view of imperial power of scholar - bureaucrats who are participants in dynastic politics and the consciousness of self - discipline of emperors. Jun or Junzhu ( the monarch of vassal state in the pre - Qin period ( 先秦), and specifically refers to emperor huang(秦始皇). However, after the formation of centralization of Grand Unification, the scholar (君主) refers to from Qin Shibureaucrats ignored the above difference deliberately. With Confucianism being promoted to the position of a national religion and Neo - Confucianism being popular in the society, they explored a great deal of content of limits on monarchs from the political speeches in the pre - Qin period as theoretical weapons to restrict the absolute monarchical power under monarchy regime. They completed successfully the theoretical displacement from the view of imperial power of scholar - bureaucrats to the self - disciplinary consciousness of emperors by teaching the emperors and princes the principle of being emperor,which makes most emperors dare not go one step beyond the prescribed limit. This paper also explores the relationship between monarch and subject in the actual political operation from perspective of political history. Under the premise of mutual dependence between mon-arch and subject, the scholar - bureaucrats in all the past dynasties implemented a number of norms to regulate the imperial power in order not to lose the control of the nominal absolute majesty.
作者 王瑞来
出处 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期3-25,共23页 Collected Papers of History Studies
关键词 皇权 自律 相互制约 派系政治 台谏 imperial power self - discipline mutual restraint factional politics Taijian (台谏)
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