
重庆忠县石匣子和洞天堡战国墓地发掘简报 被引量:1

Antiquarian and Museological College of Peking University,Excavation in the Shixiazi and Dongtianpu Cemeteries of the Warring States Period in Zhongxian County,Chongqing
摘要 In 2006 and 2007, four Warring States period tombs were revealed in the Shixiazi cemetery of Zhongxian County, Chongqing and seven in the Dongtianpu cemetery, all rectangular earthen pits with the coffins and human skeletons poor in condition. Judged by their traces, some tombs are furnished with double coffins. Grave goods were discovered roughly in all pits, usually two or three pieces for each tomb. Altogether 18 objects were unearthed from the two cemeteries, including pottery, jade and stone artifacts, with the pottery vessels coming first in number and falling into the li tripod, yu container, jar and some other types. These tombs must have belonged to the Chu State of the mid Warring States period, and their data provide important material evidence for studying the history of the Chu State expanding its power westwards in those times. In 2006 and 2007, four Warring States period tombs were revealed in the Shixiazi cemetery of Zhongxian County, Chongqing and seven in the Dongtianpu cemetery, all rectangular earthen pits with the coffins and human skeletons poor in condition. Judged by their traces, some tombs are furnished with double coffins. Grave goods were discovered roughly in all pits, usually two or three pieces for each tomb. Altogether 18 objects were unearthed from the two cemeteries, including pottery, jade and stone artifacts, with the pottery vessels coming first in number and falling into the li tripod, yu container, jar and some other types. These tombs must have belonged to the Chu State of the mid Warring States period, and their data provide important material evidence for studying the history of the Chu State expanding its power westwards in those times.
作者 杨华
出处 《考古》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第12期32-38,共7页 Archaeology
基金 重庆师范大学重点项目阶段性成果(项目编号:07XWZ03)
关键词 重庆忠县 石匣子墓地 洞天堡墓地 战国时期 楚墓 Zhongxian County, Chongqing Shixiazi cemetery Dongtianpu cemetery Warring States period Chu State tombs
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  • 3成都市文物考古研究所,重庆市忠县文物管理所.《重庆市忠县罗家桥战国秦汉墓地第二次发掘报告》,《成都考古发现·2001》,科学出版社,2003年.
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