Progress In Microbiology and Immunology
1Global Tuberculosis Control: surveillance, planning, financing [ R ]. WHO Report 2007. Geneva, World Health Organization ( WHO/HTM/TB/2007. 376 ).
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6Khader S, Pearl J, Sakamoto K, et al. IL-23 compensates for the absence of IL-12p70 and is essential for the IL-17 response during tuberculosis but is dispensable for protection and antigen-specific IFN-gamma responses if IL-12p70 is available [ J ]. J lmmunol 2005, 175 : 788 - 795.
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9Happel K, Lockhart E, Mason C, et al. Pulmonary interleukin-23 gene delivery increases local T-cell immunity and controls growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the lungs [ J ]. Infect lmmun 2005, 73 : 5782 - 5788.
10Aggarwal S, Ghilardi N, Xie MH,et al. Interleukin-23 Promotes a Distinct CD4 T Cell Activation State Characterized by the Production of Interleukin-17 [ J ]. J Biol Chem 2003, 278 (3) : 1910 - 1914.
1巫顺秀,陈显光,李森美,杜登青,王文莉.脑脊液γ-干扰素检测对结核性脑膜炎诊断价值的探讨[J].华中医学杂志,2006,30(1):41-42. 被引量:14
2王凯旋,韦翊,胡轶,徐敏慧.中枢神经系统感染患儿脑脊液中sICAM-1、IL-6、IFN-γ检测的临床意义[J].浙江医学,2006,28(11):916-917. 被引量:1
4Khadcr SA, Cooper AM. IL-23 and IL-17 in tuberculosis [J]. Cytokine, 2008, 41(2): 79-83.
5Thwaites GE, Nguyen DB, Nguyen HD, et al. Dexamethasone for the treatment of tuberculous meningitis in adolescents and adults [J]. N Engl J Med, 2004, 351(17): 1741-1751.
6Harrington LE, Hatton RD, Mangan PR, et al. Interleukin 17-producing-CD4+ effector T cells develop via a liesge distinct from the T helper type 1 and lineages [J]. Nat Immtmol, 2005, 6 (11): 1123-1132.
7Khader SA, Bell GK, Pearl JE, et al. IL-23 and IL-17 in establishment of protective pulmonary CD4+ T cell responses upon vaccination and during Mycobacterium tuberculosis challenge [J], Nat Immunol, 2007, 8(4): 369-377.
8Kleinschek MA, Muller U, Brodie S J, et al. IL-23 erthanees the inflammatory cell response in Cryptococcus neoformans infection and induces a cytokine pattern distinct from IL-12 [J]. J Immunol, 2006, 176(2): 1098-1106.
9Kleinschek MA, Muller U, Schutze N, et al. Administration of IIJ-23 engages innate and adaptive immune mechanisms during fungal infection[J]. Int Immunol, 2010, 22(2): 81-90.
10Zelante T, De Luca A, Bonifazi P, et al. IL-23 and the Th17 pathway promote inflammation and impair antifungal immune resistance [J]. Eur J lmmunol, 2007, 37(10): 2695-2706.
1林英辉,陈松林,黄小琪,陈晶.结核性胸膜炎血清和胸水中IL-17的表达水平及其意义[J].细胞与分子免疫学杂志,2010,26(12):1258-1259. 被引量:4
2游文霞,陆正齐,胡学强.IL-17在中枢神经系统感染发病机制及鉴别诊断中的作用[J].中华神经医学杂志,2011,10(6):633-636. 被引量:5
3陈松林,林英辉,黄小琪,陈晶,李生,潘元平.调节性T细胞及Th17细胞在结核性胸膜炎中的表达及其意义[J].广西医科大学学报,2011,28(3):388-391. 被引量:9
4黄小琪,陈晶,林英辉,陈松林,李生,潘元平.结核性胸膜炎患者外周血及胸水中Th17细胞和白细胞介素-17水平变化[J].中国基层医药,2012,19(9):1286-1287. 被引量:1
5陶四玉,王瑜芬,张静.结核性胸膜炎患者中Th17、Treg细胞及其相关因子水平变化及意义探讨[J].中国医学前沿杂志(电子版),2014,6(6):145-147. 被引量:4
6齐花蕊,王春芳,钱爱东.Th17和Treg在结核分枝杆菌感染中的研究进展[J].中国预防兽医学报,2014,36(12):985-987. 被引量:3
7宋晓燕,刘春红.司库奇尤单抗在脊柱关节炎相关疾病治疗中引起结核感染的安全性进展[J].中国新药杂志,2023,32(12):1233-1236. 被引量:2
1马南兰,茅惠鹃.结核性胸膜纤维化发病机制的研究进展[J].医学研究生学报,2013,26(7):762-765. 被引量:15
2陈良华,韩红英,余文良.论标记物在儿童中枢神经系统感染的研究与应用[J].当代医学,2013,19(35):42-42. 被引量:2
3刘才冬,张瑞生,高应东,金玲,万芳,夏永祥.结核感染者外周血CD4^+T淋巴细胞亚群的检测及其意义[J].国际检验医学杂志,2013,34(23):3174-3175. 被引量:6
4李建设,张晓燕.人参皂苷对系统性红斑狼疮患者血清IL-17和IL-23的影响[J].中国基层医药,2014,21(8):1147-1149. 被引量:1
5姜丽娜,姚春艳,金齐力,李柏青.白细胞介素17对结核病患者中性粒细胞凋亡的影响[J].细胞与分子免疫学杂志,2014,30(8):833-836. 被引量:4
6陶四玉,王瑜芬,张静.结核性胸膜炎患者中Th17、Treg细胞及其相关因子水平变化及意义探讨[J].中国医学前沿杂志(电子版),2014,6(6):145-147. 被引量:4
7谢三祥,丰琳,朱声荣,丁蕾.IL-17在口腔扁平苔藓病损中的表达及其对趋化因子CCL20表达的促进作用[J].实用医学杂志,2014,30(14):2225-2227. 被引量:10
8李爱琼,郭晓燕.超声介导治疗渗出性结核性胸膜炎包裹性积液62例临床观察[J].中国临床医生杂志,2014,42(11):55-56. 被引量:6
9代全德,司金春,徐忠海,杨春海,张建平.中枢神经系统感染者急性期和慢性期γ-干扰素、白细胞介素-10和S-100B蛋白含量变化的分析[J].中华实验和临床感染病杂志(电子版),2014,8(5):81-84. 被引量:5
10杨越明,孙小军,许文芳.辅助性T细胞17及调节性T细胞调节初治肺结核患者免疫功能的作用[J].国际流行病学传染病学杂志,2014,41(6):378-381. 被引量:14