

An analysis of legitimacy in the international society from the institutionalism perspective with 2003 US-Iraqi War as an example
摘要 在国际社会中,国家对国际制度和国际法的遵守包含理性选择和社会建构两种动力,这使得国家对国际制度与国际法的支持具有工具合法性与价值合法性两方面的含义。国家对工具合法性的追求比较简单明了,但是对价值合法性的遵守层次较高,其观察和分析也较为隐晦。然而,价值合法性是国际制度与国际法的本质所在,也是达成国家权力合法性形象的重要途径,对其无视甚至践踏会引起其他国际行为体的不满。本文的目的就是利用国际法意识形态理论和国际制度理论,分析2003年对伊战争后美国权力合法性和国际声誉的丧失问题。本文认为其本质原因是美国追求和使用国际制度中的工具合法性,而忽视和违背价值合法性的结果。 Seen from the angle of the theory of international law as ideology, there are two basic dynamics for the states to comply with international institutions and norms, one is rational choice and the other is social construction. So, the legitimacy in the international society has two meanings, legitimacy as instrument and that as value. In general, the pursuit of the first implication is apparent and common, while the pursuit of legitimacy as internal value is more obscure and difficult. But if a state uses the international law only as tool and does not treat the norms and value seriously or even trample them, other states would be resentful. This article employs the theory of international law as ideology and the theory of institutionalism to analyze the decline of US legitimacy and fame following the 2003 Iraqi War. It is proposed that the intrinsic reason lies in the use of international law and norms as tool and the desertion of its internal value.
作者 李海龙
出处 《武汉科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第6期29-33,共5页 Journal of Wuhan University of Science and Technology:Social Science Edition
关键词 国际法 国际制度 工具合法性 价值合法性 2003年美伊战争 international law international institution legitimacy as instrument legitimacy as value the 2003 Iraqi War
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