
胡瑗经学视域下的《周易》观 被引量:5

HU Yuan's Thought on Yi Based on His Vision of the Confucian Classics Studies
摘要 处在由汉唐经学向宋明理学转型过程中的胡瑗,在经学的视域下,对《周易》一经作了独到理解。依他之见,《周易》为圣者、王者通天而理天下的经典,为居首的王者之书。该经上以通天,下以贯人贯物,开显出"极天地之渊蕴,尽人事之终始"的宏大向度、根本宗旨与深厚底蕴。开示通天者有二,一为圣人,一为王。前者从生命人格意义上言,后者从拥有统御天下之大位意义上言。《易》所集中昭示的,是圣贤君子遥契超越之天而通天的整体天下意识下的应然价值自觉与使命担当。通天而高标王道,引领人生,平治天下。而圣贤君子所高标之王道,约而言之,即为一法天而正定的礼乐刑政之道。胡瑗的上述理解,既体现着汉唐礼乐文化的基本精神对于他的历史文化语境方面的内在深层影响,又昭示出士大夫层新的文化主体意识、天下平治引领性主体意识之自觉。 HU Yuan (993 - 1059), who was in the transition of the academic trend from the Han (206BCE -200CE) and Tang (618 -907) style of the Confucian Classics studies to the establishment of the Song (960 - 1279) and Ming ( 1368 - 1644) NeoConfucianism, extended his unique understanding of the Zhouyi from his vision of the Confucian Classics studies. In his opinion, the Zhouyi is a classic which helps the sages and kings commerce with heaven and peacefully rule the world under heaven, so it is the head book for the kings'goveruance. This classic communicates with heaven above and human and things below, manifesting its grandiose dimension, fundamental aims and purpose, as well as profound implication of "extremely exposing the profoundity of heaven and earth, and fully develop humanity from the beginning to the end". The Zhouyi communicates with the heaven above for two subjects : sage and king. The former is considered from the aspect of significance of integrity and the latter from the position governing the world under heaven. What the Zhouyi focuses on is the ought-to-be self-consciousness of value and sense of responsibility under the con- sciousness of the holistic world under heaven from the sages who accord to and communicate with the transcendent heaven. The Zhouyi stresses communicating with heaven and values the Dao of sage-king to guide human life and ruling of the world under heaven. In short, the Dao of king stressed by the sages is but the Dao (Way) of rites-music and punishmcnt-goveruance deduced from the Dao of heaven. The above-mentioned HU Yuan~ understanding not only embodies the in-depth historical and cultural contextual influence of the rites-music culture of the Hart and Tang tradition upon him, but also manifests the seholar-bureaucrats'consciousness of the sense of new cultural subjects and the sense of subject guiding the world under heaven to peace.
作者 王新春
出处 《周易研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第6期3-11,共9页 Studies of Zhouyi
关键词 王者之书 通天 变易 价值自觉 使命担当 致君泽民 礼乐刑政 book for king's peaceful governance communication with heaven change self-consciousness of value sense of responsibility benefiting people rites-music and punishment-governance
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