
基于认知心理学模型的自动文本摘要生成技术 被引量:1

Automatic Text Summarization with Cognitive Psychological Models
摘要 自动文本摘要生成(ATS)与计算机科学和认知心理学密切相关。提出了一个自动文本摘要生成系统(EI-ATS)。该系统借助句法和词法分析,将认知心理学中的事件-索引(Event-indexing)模型运用到自动文本摘要生成。评价结果表明:该系统在多文件摘要生成方面表现良好,成为整合两个相异但相关领域知识的研究范例。 Automatic text summarization is closely related with computer science and cognitive psychology.This paper presents an automatic text summarization system(EI-ATS).With the aid of syntactic analysis of sentences and lexical analysis of phrases,EI-ATS applies a cognitive psychological model,the event-indexing model,to automatic text summarization.The evaluation results show that(EI-ATS) has better performance in multiple documents summarization,and is a better example of the integration of the knowledge from two different but related areas.
出处 《华东理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期886-891,共6页 Journal of East China University of Science and Technology
关键词 自然语言处理 自动文本生成 natural language processing automatic text summarization
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