
虔敬和自由:论塞缪尔·亚当斯对美国政治传统的塑造 被引量:1

摘要 塞缪尔·亚当斯是美国著名的政治家、宣传家。他在发动各殖民地共同反抗英国的斗争发挥了重大作用,被称为美国"真正的革命之父"。他还是美国政治文化中共和主义原则的主要奠基人之一。他一生都在为其自由主义的政治信仰而奋斗。尽管生前和死后,人们对他的评价褒贬不一,但无法否认他为美国独立和政治传统塑造所做出的贡献。
作者 陈化成
出处 《聊城大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第6期79-83,共5页 Journal of Liaocheng University:Social Science Edition
  • 相关文献


  • 1[美]沃浓·路易·帕灵顿.美国思想史(1620-1920)[M].陈永国,李增,郭乙瑶译.长春:吉林出版社,2002.
  • 2O'Toole, James M. "The Historical Interpretations of Samuel Adams." [ J ] New England Quarterly 49 ( March 1976) : 82 96.
  • 3[美]迈克尔·埃默里,埃德温·埃默里.美国新闻史:大众传播媒介解释史[M].北京:新华出版社,2001.
  • 4Bancroft, George (1882). History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent [ M ]. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. pp. Vol. 3.
  • 5Pauline Maier, The Old Revolutionaries: Political Lives in the Age of Samuel Adams[M]. New York: Knopf, 1980.
  • 6James Kendall Hosmer, Samuel Adams [ M ]. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 1898.
  • 7Mark Puls, Samuel Adams: Father of the American Revolution, [M]. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. October 2006.
  • 8John Adams, Charles Francis Adams, the Works of John Adams[M]. Vol. Ⅹ , Boston: little brown and company , 1856.
  • 9Henry F. May, The Enlightenment in America[M]. New York: Oxford University Press, 1976.
  • 10塞缪尔.皮尔逊,任东来.18世纪虔敬主义和理性主义对美国思想形成的影响[J].美国研究,2004,18(1):122-134. 被引量:6


  • 1John Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, edited and abridged by Maurice Cranston (New York: Collier Books. 1965).
  • 2John Locke, The Reasonableness of Christianity. edited and abridged by I. T. Ramsey (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1958).
  • 3Sidney E. Mead, The Lively Experiment (New York: Harper and Row, 1963).
  • 4Alfred North Whitehead, Religion in the Making (New York: The Macmillan Co. , 1926).
  • 5Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, edited by Harvey C. Mansfield and Delba Winthrop (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000).
  • 6Samuel C. Pearson, The Great Awakening and Its Impact on American History (St. Louis.. Forum Press, 1978).
  • 7Carl L. Becker, The Heavenly City of the Eighteenth Century Philosophers (New Haven:Yale University Press, 1932).
  • 8Henry F. May, The Enlightenment in America (New York: Oxford University Press, 1976).
  • 9Martin E. Marty, Pilgrims in Their Ozt~ Land : 500 Years of Religion in America (Boston..Little, Brown, and Company, 1984).
  • 10Robert Bellah, "Civil Religion in America." Daedalus (Winter 1967).



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  • 2" On the House : Fox Aired 107 Ads for Its Coverage of Tea Party Protests over 10 Days", http://www, mediamatters, org/research/ 200904170011. (上网时间:2010年8月17日).
  • 3Paul Krugman, "Tea Parties Forever", http://www, nytimes. com/2009/04/13/opinion/13krugman, html.(上网时间:2010年8月17日).
  • 4Andrew Breitbart, "Question Democratic Authority? Not!", http://www, realclearpolitics, com/articles/2009/04/20/question_democratic_authority_not_96075, html. (上网时间:2010年8月18日).
  • 5Roth Zachary, "Majority of Tea Party Group' s Spending Went to GOP Firm That Created It", December 28, 2009, http://tpmmucktaker, talkingpointsmemo, com/2009/12/majority_of_tea_party_groups_ spending went_to_gop, php? ref=fpa. (上网时间:2010年8月20日).
  • 6"Anti-Tax Tea Party Tour Comes to Washington", April 15, 2010, http ://www. voanews, corn/english/news/usa/Tea - Party - Movement-Ends-Tour-in-Washington-on-US-Tax-Deadline-90952939, html.(上网时间:2010年8月20日).
  • 7Patrik Jonsson, "'Tea Party' movement: Who are they and what do they want?", http ://www. csmonitor, corn/USA/Politics/2010/ 0204/Tea-party -movement -Who - are- they- and- what- do- they- want.(上网时间:2010年8月18日).
  • 8David Von Drehle, " Why the Tea Party Movement Matters", February 18, 2010, http ://www. time. com/time/politics/article/0, 8599,1964903,00. html. (上网时间:2010年8月20日).
  • 9David Brooks ," The Tea Party Teens", http://www, nytimes. com/2010/01/05/opinion/05brooks, html? ref= davidbrooks. (上网时间:2010年8月4日).
  • 10"Poll: Most Don ' t Want Sarah Palin to Run for President", January 18, 2010, http://www, cbsnews, com/8301 - 503544_ 162 - 6113291-503544 html? tag=mncol;lst;2. (上网时间:2010年8月20日).










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