在嵌入式开发中J2ME继承了平台无关性等特点,已经成为当前业界流行的无线应用开发支柱平台。本文首先介绍了基于J2ME平台的无线网络通讯编程技术,分析了手机上J2ME使用Socket网络通信的流程。然后以通用的J2ME TCP Socket网络通信程序为例,阐述了产生中文乱码的原因,提出了数据传递时解决中文乱码问题的算法,并使用J2ME WTK模拟器进行验证,结果证明了算法的正确性。
Based on the feature of platform independent in R&D embedded software engineering, J2ME turns to be the most popular engineering platform for the application of wireless communication. This paper first introduces the program technique for wireless communication based on J2ME platform, and analyzes the communication procedure of cell phone when Socket network communication is used. Then based on a J2ME TCP Socket network communication procedure, this paper illustrates the reason of Chinese disorderly code, proposes the key algorithm to combat this problem and verifies the correctness of the algorithm by J2ME WTK software.
Electronic Measurement Technology