
试析欧共体的优惠贸易协定政策与WTO规则的协调与兼容 被引量:2

Analysis on the coordination and compatibility between EC's Policy on Preferential Trade Agreements and WTO Rules
摘要 欧共体与世界上100多个国家签有种类繁多、名称各异的优惠贸易协定,这使其拥有了一张当今世界上最大的优惠贸易"网络"。近年来,欧共体将对外贸易协定从单向优惠调整为双向互惠一方面是为了与WTO规则相协调,特别是WTO争端解决机构对香蕉案的裁决起到了"催化剂"的作用;但另一方面,这种政策调整的背后还有着更为重要的政治与经济动因,凸现出欧共体对于WTO规则的理解与运用透着很强的实用主义色彩,维护与拓展经贸利益是其进行政策调整的根本目的。 The European Community (EC) has signed hundreds of Preferential Trade Agreements (PTAs) with various names and types, thus it has the largest preferential trade webs around the World. In recent years, the EC has adjusted its PTAs from one-way preferential treatment to mutual reciprocity, On the one hand, this policy adaptation is for the coordination with WTO rules, especially due to the adjudication on the banana dispute which played a "catalyst" role; but, on the other hand, there are far more important political and economic motives, which highlight the EC's pragmatic understanding and application of WTO rules. Safeguarding and expanding its economic and trade interests are the real purpose of the policy adjustment.
作者 程保志
出处 《世界贸易组织动态与研究(上海对外贸易学院学报)》 2010年第1期48-54,共7页 Journal of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics
关键词 欧共体 WTO 优惠贸易协定 《科托努协定》 European Community WTO Preferential Trade Agreements The Cotonou Agreement
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