[目的]通过对蒙古扁桃(Prunusmongolica)水浸提液对蒙古扁桃、白菜(Brassi apekinensis)、小麦(Triticum aestivum)种子萌发影响的研究,探讨蒙古扁桃群落结构简单和生苗少的原因。[方法]分别用清水、蒙古扁桃根际土壤水浸提液和蒙古扁桃茎叶、根及整棵植株水浸提液滴浇培养皿中的蒙古扁桃、白菜、小麦种子,测定其发芽数。[结果]各种蒙古扁桃水浸提液对蒙古扁桃、白菜、小麦的种子萌发影响不同。与其他水浸提液相比,蒙古扁桃整株水浸提液对蒙古扁桃、白菜和小麦种子发芽影响最大;各种蒙古扁桃水浸提液对白菜种子发芽影响最大,对小麦种子发芽影响最小。经分析,浸提液的主要成分是多糖类和生物碱。[结论]蒙古扁桃浸提液中的多糖和生物碱是蒙古扁桃群落中种子萌发的制约物质。
[ Objective] To investigate the reasons of the simple community structure and a few seedlings in the community of Prunus mongoli- ca by studying the effects of maceration extract from Prunus mongolica on seed germination of Prunus mongolica, Chinese cabbage ( Brassi ape- kinensis) and wheat( Triticum aestivum). [ Method] The seeds of Prunus mongolica, Brassi capekinensis, Triticum aestivum were soaked in the water and maceration extract from different parts of Prunus mongolica, including soils nearby roots, stems, roots and integral plant materials in the culture dish, in order to measure final percent germination. [ Result ] Maceration extracts from different parts of Prunus mongolica had different influence on seed germination of Prunus mongolica, Brassi capekinensis, Triticum aestivum. Maceration extract from integral plant materims had the most effective on seed germination of three plants. Maceration extracts from different parts of Prunus mongolica had the most effective on seed germination of Brassi apekinensis, but had the lest effective on seed germination of Triticum aestivum. The analysis showed that the main components of maceration extracts from different parts of Prunus mongolica were the polysaccharide and alkaloids. [ Conclusion] The polysaccharide and alkaloids of the maceration extract are the restrictive components of seed germination of the Prunus mongolica community.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
Prunus mongolica
Maceration extract
Seed germination