
灾后献血中的个人、集体与组织--以C市为例 被引量:3

Individual,Collective and Organizations in Blood Donation after Disaster——A Case Study of City C
摘要 以中南C市为例,探讨汶川地震后献血热潮发生的过程和机制。作为一种集体行为,地震后的献血热潮经历了兴起、控制和消退的演变过程;但它并非完全自发、不可预料和无组织性,相反,它是公民精神在新的社会结构背景和特殊情境下的扩张,而组织(如媒体、血站、单位等)在传播信息、宣扬意义、营造氛围等方面扮演了相当重要的角色。灾后的献血热潮具有集体行为和组织行为的双重特征。 This thesis is based on field research in city C in central-south China, and it examines the processes and mechanism of blood donation after Wenchuan earthquake. As a collective behavior, it experiences a process of rise, control and fadeaway, but it is not entirely spontaneous, unpredictable and unorganized, on the contrary, it is the expansion of civil spirit in the new context of the social structure and especial circumstance. And organizations, such as media, blood station, Danwei, play very important roles in diffusing of information, promoting of meaning and creating atmosphere of donation. Blood donation after the disaster has double features of collective behavior and organizational behavior.
作者 余成普
出处 《中国农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2009年第4期72-82,共11页 Journal of China Agricultural University;Social Sciences
关键词 灾后行为 献血 集体行为 组织行为 社会动员 Disaster behavior Blood donation Collective behavior Organizational behavior Social mobilization
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