

On Gradual Expansion of Direct Election Scope
摘要 选举就是选民选择自己的代理人的过程。过多层次的间接选举不利于提高代表机关的代表性。要提高我国的政治文明程度,人大制度就有必要与时俱进,朝着使广大基层群众能享有更多知情权、表达权的方向,朝着高层领导更易于了解基层实情的方向进行改革和完善,在条件成熟的时候逐步扩大直接选举的范围。 Election is the process during which the voters elect their own representatives.Too many levels of indirect election are not conducive to enhancing the representativeness of the institutions.To promote the level of China's political civilization,we must update the People's Congress system towards the goals that the masses have more rights to know and express,that the higher rank officials could more easily understand the real situations of the lower levels,and that the scope of direct election will be expanded when conditions are ripe.
作者 覃福晓
机构地区 江苏大学法学院
出处 《汕头大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2009年第6期31-34,67,共5页 Journal of Shantou University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 2007年度司法部国家法治与法学理论研究项目(07SFB2009)
关键词 间接选举 直接选举 人民素质 indirect election direct election the quality of the people
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