目的评价下肢深静脉瓣膜包窄术的临床应用价值。方法自1987年7月至1994年2月,选择通过静脉造影等特殊检查,确诊为原发性下肢深静脉瓣膜功能不全,倒流为Ⅲ~Ⅳ级,倒流程度为轻和中度的患肢196条,做股浅静脉瓣膜包窄术。结果 174条患肢术后随访31~120个月,平均71.35个月,疗效良好者(149/174)占85.6%;病情好转者(23/174)占13.2%;无效者(2/174)占1.2%。结论本手术操作简便,合理选择手术适应证,是取得理想效果的关键。
Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of extemal constriction valvuloplasty of superficial femoral vein in the treatment of deep vein reflux of the lower extremities.Method One hundred and ninety patients,a total of 196 lower extremities,of mild to moderate reflux of the deep veins treated with exteral constriction valvuloplasty are reported.The circumference of the superficial femoral vein at the site where the highest valve locates was constricted to 1/3 of its o- riginal length.Results The post-operative results are satisfactory after a mean follow-up period of 4 years.Conclusion The authors advocate that good results may be expected in case of careful choice of the candidates to this operation.
Chinese Journal of General Surgery