目的建立HPLC荧光法测定人血清中左羟丙哌嗪的浓度。方法以特拉唑嗪为内标,采用Agilent ZORBAX_C8(4.6mm×250mm,4.6μm)色谱柱,以乙腈-水-冰醋酸-三乙胺(20:80:0.002:0.001,V/V/V/V)为流动相,流速为0.8mL/min,荧光激发波长为240nm,发射波长为350nm。结果人血清内源性杂质对样品测定无干扰,左羟丙哌嗪的最低检测浓度为1.2ng.mL-1,在2.69~1103.22ng.mL-1范围内线性关系良好(r=0.9990),低、中、高3种浓度的平均回收率分别为80.07%、80.87%和78.98%,精密度RSD均<4%。结论本法快速、灵敏、准确,可用于人体血清中左羟丙哌嗪的浓度测定。
Aim To determine the concentration of levodropropizine in human orrhos by HPLC with fluorimetric detection.Methods Using Terazosin as the internal standard,levodropropizine was separated on Agilent Agilent ZORBAX_C 8 (4.6mm×250mm,4.6μm).The mobile phase consisted of a mixture of acetonitrile,water,acetic acid and triethylamine (20∶ 80∶ 0.002∶ 0.001)pumped at a flow rate of 0.8mL/min.A fluorescence detector was set at λEx240nm,λEm350nm.Results The human orrhos did not interfere with the determination of levodropropizine.The lower limit of detection was 1.2ng · mL-1.Within the range of 2.69~1 103.22ng · mL^-1 of levodropropizine the calibration curve was linear( r =0.999 0).The mean recovery rate(%) of levodropropizine at low,middle and high concentrations was 80.07%,80.87% and 78.98%.RSD was below 4%.Conclusion The method established in the paper can be used to determine the concentrations of levodropropizine in human orrhos.
Pharmaceutical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army