
一种适应资源变化的电磁探测卫星动态调度方法 被引量:2

Method for Changeable Resources in Electromagnetic Detection Satellites Dynamic Scheduling
摘要 针对卫星资源随机故障(恢复)情况,结合电磁探测卫星约束特点,建立了基于条件约束满足问题(CCSP)的多星动态调度模型,提出了基于记忆效应Squeaky-Wheel Optimization(SWO)的电磁探测卫星多星动态调度算法。根据仿真数据进行实验及分析,表明该方法能有效解决卫星资源动态变化的电磁探测卫星多星动态调度问题。 Considering the specific constrains of EDS,a Conditional CSP Multi-Satellites scheduling model was established in the condition that resource is disabled (recovered) randomly and an algorithm based on Memorized Squeaky-Wheel Optimization (SWO) was proposed.Finally,some experiments were conducted to validate correctness and practicability of our algorithm.
出处 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第24期7833-7837,7841,共6页 Journal of System Simulation
基金 国家自然科学基金(60604035) 国家863高技术资助项目(2007AA12Z229)
关键词 电磁探测卫星多星调度 条件约束满足问题 动态调度模型 记忆效应SWO算子 资源变化 electromagnetic detection satellites scheduling conditional CSP dynamic scheduling model memorized SWO operator changeable resource
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