
域内自愈路由研究综述 被引量:10

Survey of Intra-Domain Self-Healing Routing
摘要 路由的自愈性是指在网络故障发生后,路由系统能够自动恢复或重建路由,保证分组转发不受影响的能力.虽然目前的域内路由协议都具备一定的自愈能力,但是它们的自愈时间通常在几秒到上百秒之间,难以完全满足用户的需求.在自愈过程中,网络路由可能是错误的,甚至会出现"路由黑洞"或"路由环路",导致分组丢失,影响网络应用.为了解决这个问题,研究者设计了很多域内自愈路由方案.本文在总结和分析了当前域内自愈路由的问题后,提出了自愈路由模型,依据模型将这些方案分成五类:调整设置权值、限制洪泛、快速重路由、多路径和本地重路由.在分析每类中典型算法的基础上,总结对比了各类方案的特点,详细分析了算法的有效性.最后探讨了域内自愈路由研究中需要进一步考虑的问题. Self-healing is the ability with which a routing system can restore or rebuild routes automatically after network failures without impacting on packet forwarding.Although existing intra-domain routing protocols can adapt to network failures somewhat,they can not satisfy user requirements because their convergence time ranges from several seconds to more than one hundred seconds.During the period of self-healing,network routes may be incorrect and even have black hole or loop which will lead to packet loss and impact network applications. In order to solve this problem, several intra-domain self-healing routing solutions have been proposed. After analyzing the problems of current intra-domain self-healing routing, we propose intra-domain self-healing routing model,and divide the solutions into five categories according to the model: weight change, flood restriction, fast reroute, multipath and local reroute. Based on the analysis Of some typical solutions in each category, we compared the features of these solutions and studied the availability of the solutions in detail. Finally, we discussed several key issues for further study.
出处 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第12期2753-2761,共9页 Acta Electronica Sinica
基金 国家重点基础研究发计划(973)(No.2009CB320501) 国家技术研究发展计划(863)(No.2007AA01Z2A2 2009AA01Z205) "十一五"国家科技支撑计划重大项目(No.2008BAB03)
关键词 域内路由 自愈路由 网络故障 intra-domain routing self-healing routing network failure
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