
基于波束包络信息的多目标检测与方位估计一体化方法 被引量:2

Integrated Method of Multi-Target Detection and DOA Estimation by Exploiting Knowledge of Beam-Spectra Envelope
摘要 提出一种基于波束扫描系统空间谱输出包络信息的水声信号目标检测与方位估计一体化方法.该方法在能量检测的基础上,利用二次包络3dB宽度检测模型判断每个谱峰内的目标数目,并通过二维Capon谱搜索估计目标方位.千岛湖试验结果表明,与传统算法相比,提高了低信噪比下的目标检测和方位估计性能. An integrated method of acoustic signal detection and direction-of-arrival(DOA) estimation is proposed.As exploiting the beam-spectra envelop(BE) knowledge of the spatial spectrum outputted by beam scanning system,it is named as BE method,in which,based on the results of energy detection,the 3dB-width information of spectral peaks is used further to detect the source number in each peak,and the DOAs are estimated by 2D Capon searching.The Qiandao Lake experimental results show that, comparing with traditional algorithms, the performance of target detection and DOA estimation is improved at lower SNRs.
出处 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第12期2823-2828,共6页 Acta Electronica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.60572098) 航空科学基金(No.05F53027) 国防预研项目(No.40107030102) 西北工业大学基础研究基金(No.NPU-FFR-W018102)
关键词 多目标检测 信源数目估计 高分辨 波达方向估计 水声信号处理 multi-target detection source number estimation high resolution direction-ofarrival estimation acoustic signal processing
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