
二氧化氯脱木素和漂白化学中的无机中间反应 被引量:7

Inorganic and Intermediate Reactions in Chlorine Dioxide Delignification and Bleaching Chemistry
摘要 介绍了ClO2脱木素和漂白过程中产生的一系列化学反应及其中间产物(包括亚氯酸盐、氯酸盐、次氯酸、一氧化氯自由基等),并对中间产物的生成、转化及其对ClO2漂白效率的影响进行了归纳,结合ClO2漂白工艺及ECF漂白流程优化方面的进展,揭示了反应机理对工艺优化的指导作用,旨在为进一步提高ClO2漂白效率提供理论依据。 A series of inorganic and intermediate reactions in chlorine dioxide delignification and bleaching were reviewed,intermediate products such as chlorite,chlorate,hypochlorous acid,monochlorine monoxide were included.The formation and transformation of various intermediates and their influences on bleaching efficiency of chlorine dioxide bleaching were summarized.Combining with the progresses of process optimization of chlorine dioxide bleaching and ECF bleaching sequences,the guidance function of reaction mechanism on process optimization were revealed.The purpose was to provide fundamental mechanism to upgrade the efficiency of chlorine dioxide bleaching.
出处 《中国造纸学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期102-108,共7页 Transactions of China Pulp and Paper
基金 制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室开放基金项目(NO:x2qsC7080410)
关键词 二氧化氯 脱木素化学 漂白 中间反应 chlorine dioxide delignification chemistry bleaching intermediate reaction
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