目的采用表面增强激光解析电离飞行时间质谱(SELDI-TOF-MS)技术检测血清蛋白指纹图,通过差异蛋白组学筛选胰腺癌特有的蛋白标记物,为研究胰腺癌的病理过程和实验诊断奠定基础。方法用Ciphergen公司生产的PBSII/c型蛋白质指纹图谱仪和Protien ChipCM10(弱阳离子交换表面)蛋白芯片采集23例胰腺癌、25例正常对照组和19例胰腺对照组血清蛋白质谱图,采用Biomaker Wizard3.1版分析软件筛选差异蛋白。结果发现胰腺癌患者与正常对照、胰腺对照的血清蛋白质指纹图谱有44个差异表达的蛋白质(P<0.05),其中m/z2732敏感性为91.30%(21/23),特异性为68.18%(30/44),受试者工作特征曲线下面积(AUC)=0.76;m/z9111敏感性为52.17%(12/23),特异性为81.82%(36/44),AUC=0.57。结论利用SEL-DI-TOF-MS技术和CM10芯片能发现胰腺癌患者血清中的特征蛋白,对胰腺癌的早期诊断具有重要意义。
[ Objective ] To develop a novel and reliable method for diagnosis of pancreatic cancer by surface enhanced laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF-MS). [Methods] The study included 23 patients with pancreatic cancer, 25 healthy controls and 19 other pancreatic diseases. For serum protein signature analysis, the SELDI-TOF-MS analysis was performed to screen the serum protein markers and the CMIO (weak cation exchange array) protein chips were used for analysis. [ Results ] The data analysis revealed 44 differential expression peaks (P 〈0.05). m/z 2732 set, it yielded a sensitivity of 91.30% (21/23), a specificity Of 68.1 8% (30/44), area under the ROC (AUC)=0.76; m/z 9111 set, it yielded a sensitivity of 52.17% (12/23), a specificity Of 81.82% (36/44), AUC= 0.57. [ Conclusion] Differential proteins were detected from serum of pancreatic cancer. Combination of SELDI-TOF-MS with CM10 protein chips may provides a new proteomies mode for laboratory diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. These specific biomarkers is a potential tool for early diagnosis and identification of pancreatic cancer.
China Journal of Modern Medicine