
压力驱动膜技术在废水资源化方面的应用 被引量:3

Application of pressure-driven membrane separation technology in reclamation of wastewater
摘要 压力驱动膜技术(反渗透、纳滤、超滤、微滤)作为一种高效、节能、环保的分离技术,在废水资源化方面体现出较大的潜力.废水资源化指从生产流程中排放的废水中回收有价值物质,如废水中残留的产品,或可以进一步利用的副产物,或可以回用的中间产物等,以达到充分利用资源,降低污染,获取经济、社会和环境效益的目的.文章介绍了压力驱动膜的市场现状,并对压力驱动膜分离技术实现牛奶/大豆乳清、制糖压榨水/再生水、造纸蒸煮废液、印染废水、抗生素废水和农药废水等废水资源化过程进行了综述. As a highly efficient, energy saving and green separation technology, pressure- driven membrane separation technology, referring to reverse osmosis(RO), nanofiltration (NF), ultrafiltration(UF), microfiltration(MF), reflects its potential in reclamation of wastewater. The reclamation of wastewater is indicated as recovering valuable matter from wastewater, to achieve the purpose of full using resources and reducing the pollution. The paper reviewed the market of pressure- driven membrane, and its application in reclamation of wastewater, which comes from the dairy/soybean whey, the discharging from the pulp and paper industry, the dye industry, the sugar industry, the antibiotic industry, and the pesticide industry.
出处 《膜科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期92-98,共7页 Membrane Science and Technology
关键词 压力驱动膜 膜分离 废水资源化 pressure- driven membrane membrane separation reclamation of wastewater
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