

Effect of Jia wei shao gan fu zi tang on content of IL-6,IL-10 of ICA Rats
摘要 目的观察加味芍甘附子汤对Ⅱ型胶原诱导性关节炎(CIA)大鼠血清IL-6、IL-10含量的影响,并借以探讨本方治疗RA的作用机理。方法SD雄性大鼠50只随机分为空白组(A组)、模型组(B组)、甲氨喋呤组(C组)、尪痹颗罻?D组)、加味芍甘附子汤组(E组)。除A组外,其余4组分别给予每只大鼠尾根部皮内注射CⅡ乳剂0.1mL,10天后加强注射0.1mL,诱导成关节炎模型。从造模后第20天起开始给予相应药液灌胃,A、B组:清洁水,1次/日;C组:甲氨喋呤水溶液,1次/周;D组:尪痹药液,1次/日;E组:加味芍甘附子汤药液(1.5g/mL),1次/日。连续用药35天。用酶联免疫法测定其血清中IL-6、IL-10的含量。结果加味芍甘附子汤能明显降低CIA大鼠血清中IL-6的含量,与尪痹颗罻榧凹装钡首橄啾染邢灾圆钜?P<0.01);在提高CIA大鼠血清中IL-10的含量方面与甲氨蝶呤相似无明显差异(P>0.05);在改善大鼠全身及关节局部症状方面,治疗组及药物对照组均优于模型组,其中以加味芍甘附子汤组最为明显。结论加味芍甘附子汤能明显改善CIA大鼠的全身和关节局部症状,其作用机理可能与抑制血清IL-6、IL-10等炎症介质的产生有关。 Objective: To observe the effect of of Jia wei shao gan fu zi tang on serum IL -6, IL - 10 in CIA rats and to discuss mechanism of this formula treating RA. Methods : 50 rats were randomly divided into five groups, blank (A) group, model (B) group, MTX (C) group, Wangbi Granule (D) group, and Jia wei shao gan fu zi tang (E) group. Except group A, rats of the rest four groups were injected with C II 0.1 ml, and ten days later injected with 0.1 ml again to induce RA. 20 days later started giving related medication i.g. A,B group: clean water, once a day; C group: MTX water solution; D group: Wangbi decoction; E group: Jia wei shao gan tang decoction 1.5 mg/ML, once a day, for 35 days. ELISA was used to test content of serum IL -6 and IL - 10. Results: Jia wei shao gan tang lowered IL -6 of CIA rats obviously, and there was significant difference comparing with Wangbi Granule and MTX groups( P 〈 0.01 ). There was no significant difference on increasing IL - 10 comparing with MTX ( P 〉 0.05 ). Treatment group and medication controlling group improved general and joint local symptoms much better than model group and Jia wei shao gan tang was most obvious. Conclusion: Jai wei shao gan fu zi tang obviously improved general and joint local symptoms of CIA rats, the mechanism of which probably related to inhibiting mediators of inflammation such as IL - 6 and IL - 10.
出处 《陕西中医学院学报》 2010年第1期46-47,56,共3页 Journal of Shaanxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 咸阳市科技计划项目(k05015-6)
关键词 加味芍甘附子汤 CIA关节炎 白细胞介素-6 白细胞介素-10 Jia wei shao gan fu zi tang, CIA, IL -6, IL - 10
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