
动物线粒体基因重排 被引量:1

Rearrangement of animal mitochondrial genes
摘要 线粒体基因重排是否与重组有关一直存在争议,虽然在天然动物种群中从未明确发现重组的线粒体DNA单倍型,但多数动物却含有线粒体基因重组所需的酶,且在患者和雄性个体的肌肉组织中也常检测到低水平重排的线粒体DNA分子。因此重组对于线粒体DNA复制和修复可能是必须的。随着大规模基因组测序能力不断提高,基因结构比较作为分子系统学分析的工具已在越来越多的领域中得到应用,各分类阶元线粒体基因组结构的阐明已成为一种有效的系统发育信息的来源。线粒体基因重排机理的阐明对于人线粒体DNA相关疾病及动物的系统发育研究具有重要意义。 Because of a failure to observe clear cases of recombinant haplotypes in natural populations,recombination between mitochondrial DNA molecules is thought to be absent in animals.Most animals have the necessary enzymes for mtDNA recombination,and rearranged mt-genomes have been found present at very low levels in patients and males.The above evidence shows that recombination is probably an indispensable part of mtDNA replication and repair.With the development of DNA sequencing techniques,mt-genome recombination has been widely used for phylogenetic analysis.More and more structures of mt-genomes will be clarified and taken as a useful resource of phylogenetic information.Without doubt,an insight into the mechanism of mt-genome recombination has an important significance for researches on diseases and animal phylogenetics.
出处 《医学研究生学报》 CAS 2009年第12期1320-1323,共4页 Journal of Medical Postgraduates
基金 全军医药卫生科研基金(批准号:2006166125)
关键词 线粒体DNA 重排 进化 系统发育 Mitochondrial DNA Rearrangement Revolution Phylogenetics
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