
基于交换和转移技术的P2P流媒体多播 被引量:1

P2P Scheme for Media Stream Multicast Based on Swap and Switch Technology
摘要 随着Internet技术的发展,开展网络流媒体服务仍然面临许多挑战性的技术问题,如实时控制和传输带宽需求等.本文提出一种分布式流媒体多播系统MBSS,通过一系列P2P算法,进行节点交换或者转移操作,可以及时修改维护多播树,可以更好地适应网络条件的动态变化,有效地降低多播树代价.同时引入Knock-down技术使多播树具有更广泛的可扩展性.最后实验验证MBSS可以在视频流传输上具有高效性和健壮性. With the development of Internet technology, there are still some challenging technology problems in network media service, such as real-time control and transmission bandwidth request and so on. This thesis has proposed a decentralized media stream multicast system called MBSS. Through using some P2P algorithms, the operations of swap and switch between nodes can modify the multicast tree to adapt the dynamic change of network conditions and reduce tree cost. At the same time, the Knock-down technology has been introduced to make the multicast tree has more expansibility. The experiment results have proved that MBSS can transmit the video stream efficiently and robustly.
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期83-87,共5页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60673001)资助
关键词 应用层多播 实时传输 P2P application level multicast real time transmission peer-to-peer
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