
DSCM:一个支持动态演化的服务组件架构模型 被引量:1

DSCM:a Service Component Architecture Model Supporting Dynamic Evolution
摘要 针对服务组件架构(Service Component Architecture,SCA)的动态管理和演化的不足,文章研究SCA的动态重构技术.在符合SCA模型规范基础上结合开放服务网关规范(Open Service Gateway Initiative,OSGi)技术,提出一个开放环境下的动态服务组建模型DSCM(Dynamic Service ComponentModel),它以Object Teams技术作为基础设施,从而提高应用系统的可理解性、重用性、扩展性、适配性和进化能力.DSCM支持分布式和异构平台的整合,支持简单老式java对象(Plain Old Java Object,POJO)增强和管理的机制,使得框架具有通用性和无入侵性. This paper studies dynamic reconfiguration technology in SCA ( Service Component Architecture) in order to solve the SCA problem which is lack of dynamic management and evolution. A dynamic service component model DSCM is proposed based on OSGi (Open Service Gateway Initiative) and SCA. Within DSCM, application system's comprehensibility ,reusability, expansibility, adapta- bility and dynamic evolution are enhanced by using Object teams as a technology infrastructure. Furtherrnore,DSCM can deal with the heterogeneity among diverse platforms and distributed runtirne environment. It also supports POJO's (Plain Old Java Object) enhancement, which denote that DSCM is Universal and non-inbreak.
作者 王强 丁岳伟
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期130-133,共4页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60573142)资助
关键词 动态演化 服务组件架构 面向服务 开放服务网关规范 dynamic evolution service component architecture service-oriented OSGi
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