
电化学腐蚀对翅片管换热器性能的影响 被引量:10

Effect of electrochemical corrosion on performance of tube-fin heat exchanger
摘要 翅片管换热器的铜管与铝翅片之间容易发生电化学反应,在铝翅片表面形成一层三氧化二铝,增大换热器传热热阻,影响换热器乃至整个空调系统的性能。对翅片管换热器分别进行48 h和96 h的盐雾腐蚀实验,然后对腐蚀前后的实验样件测试其传热及压降特性,结果表明,翅片管蒸发器经盐雾腐蚀以后,其风阻变化在5 Pa以内,而换热量最多会降低12.5%,总的传热系数最多会减少16.6%,传热热阻最多会增加20%。 Electrochemical corrosion takes place between the copper tube and aluminum fin of tube-fin heat exchanger easily, forming a high thermal resistance layer of Al2O3, Therefore, the performance of the heat exchanger and the entire air conditioning system will be affected. In this paper, 48 h and 96 h salt spray corrosion tests were made on the tube fin heat exchanger respectively. And the performance of the heat exchanger before and after salt spray corrosion was tested. It was found that the change of air pressure drop was less than 5 Pa. The capacity and overall heat transfer coefficient of the heat exchanger decreased by 12.5% and 16.6% after corrosion respectively. The thermal resistance of the heat exchanger increased by 20% at most.
出处 《化工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期22-26,共5页 CIESC Journal
关键词 翅片管换热器 电化学腐蚀 传热系数 热阻 tube-fin heat exchanger electrochemical corrosion heat transfer coefficient thermal resistance
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