1791年夏末,一位陌生人来找莫扎特(Wolfgan Amadeus Mozart,1756-1791),请他谱写一首安魂曲。在贫病交困中挣扎多年的这位"上帝的宠儿",此时刚完成他最伟大的歌剧《魔笛》,心力交瘁。恍惚中误以为那人是地狱的使者,
OUTLINE / Wolfgan Amadeus Mozart(1756-1791)was a loyal member of the Roman Catholic Church throughout his life,that is a figure we can recognize from his instrumental works,such as concertos and symphonies.It seems that the composer was really a God's favorite,just as indicated as his middle name Amadeus. However,from his operas,especially Le nozze di Figaro,Don Giovanni and his last opera Die Zauberfl(o|¨)te,we can recognize another Mozart,having the same feelings of the common people ot his time.After his death,a third figure emerged in a drama by the Russian poet A.Pushkin, and an opera by the Russian composer Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov, recently adopted by film version Amadeus.That is a genius recognized only in contrast with mediocre people.