This paper presents a reliability analysis of the cold and the warm nonmaintained redundant systems,each having n components and a switch, of which the lifetime is a 'continuous random variable. General models of the two systems are established, and general forms of the solutions of the meantime to failure(MTTF) and the reliability Rn(t) of the cold system are given. In the case of exponential distributions the general analytic expressions for Rn(t) and MTTF [are obtained. When the lifetime variables of redundant components are i.i.d, the warm redundant system may be considered as-a cold redundant system through a virtual switch variable. In the end of the paper, we use the stochastic simulation technique to generate the needed samples in order to obtain the numerical estimate of Rn(t) and MTTF. The given example shows that the result of simulation is satisfactory.
system reliability, probability, stochastic function, stochastic simulation