
开关寿命连续型不可修冷、温贮备系统的可靠性分析及其随机模拟 被引量:10

Reliability Analysis and Stochastic Simulation of Cold and Warm Nonmaintained Redundant Systems with Continuous Lifetime Switches
摘要 本文对由n个部件组成的、开关寿命为连续型随机变量的不可修冷、温贮备系统作了可靠性分析,建立了这两类系统的一般模型,给出了冷贮备系统可靠度R_n(t)及平均寿命MTTF的一般形式解。并在指数分布场合下,给出了R_n(t)及MTTF的解析表达式。当部件贮备寿命相互独立同分布时,温贮备系统可以通过一个虚设的开关变量而归结为冷贮备系统。对一般的贮备系统,可以运用数理统计方法,根据样本给出R_n(t)及MTTF的估计。文末利用随机模拟方法,构造所需样本,便可获得R_n(t)及MTTF的数值估计。实例表明,随机模拟的结果是令人满意的。 This paper presents a reliability analysis of the cold and the warm nonmaintained redundant systems,each having n components and a switch, of which the lifetime is a 'continuous random variable. General models of the two systems are established, and general forms of the solutions of the meantime to failure(MTTF) and the reliability Rn(t) of the cold system are given. In the case of exponential distributions the general analytic expressions for Rn(t) and MTTF [are obtained. When the lifetime variables of redundant components are i.i.d, the warm redundant system may be considered as-a cold redundant system through a virtual switch variable. In the end of the paper, we use the stochastic simulation technique to generate the needed samples in order to obtain the numerical estimate of Rn(t) and MTTF. The given example shows that the result of simulation is satisfactory.
出处 《南京航空学院学报》 CSCD 1990年第1期77-82,共6页
关键词 开关寿命 可靠性 随机模拟 概率 system reliability, probability, stochastic function, stochastic simulation
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