1 引言 德国迈耶公司生产的采用双沉降片系统的MLPX型单面提花毛圈圆机是生产高质量毛圈织物的一种较好的机器。该机生产的毛圈织物的毛圈整齐竖立,不易倒伏,割绒效果好,我厂自1986年购进此机后,其运转情况一直良好。但最近以来,却出现了毛圈沉降片异常磨损以致损坏的情况。新的毛圈沉降片上机使用2~3个月就磨损严重,若不及时更换则将严重影响布面质量,同时还发现沉降片三角亦已严重损坏。经过初步分析。
A terry fabric with high quality and excellent cut pile effect can be produced on single jacquard terry knitting machine MLPX with double sinker systems from Mayer &. Cie. A concrete analysis and discussion on the abnormal wear of terry sinkers and cams are made in the view of technology and dynamics. It is considered that the main reason for abnormal wear lies in the jumping of sinkers resulted from its runaway movement caused by serious decrease of mechanical matching precision and consequentially a repeat impact to the cams for long. Relevant countermeasures are proposed as well.
Knitting Industries