
我国当代青少年情感素质现状调查 被引量:74

An investigation of the Status quo of China's Contemporary Youth's Affective Quality
摘要 本研究在青少年情感素质理论和发展的情感分类思想指导下,在理论构想与实践探索相结合的基础上,编制了富有原创性的内含6个分问卷、可测查青少年2层次6大类29种情感发展状况的调查工具——《青少年情感素质问卷》,并以此对我国3类地区9大城市及其郊县的117所学校的25485名青少年学生进行首次大规模情感素质测查。结果发现:我国青少年情感素质整体上处于积极正向状态,但亟待提高;男女生情感素质主要存在结构性差异;情感素质未随学段升高而提高,反有下降趋势,其中乐学感和自信感下降达显著水平;情感素质与学习成绩的自我评价、父母受教育程度呈正相关;师生关系良好、教师有情施教对青少年学生各方面情感素质发展具有重要而直接的促进作用。 A large-scale investigation on the affective quality of youth population in China is a significant though challenging endeavor. Followed from the youth affective quality theory and developmental affection with classified thoughts,current study developed an original investigative tool with good reliability and validity— "Questionnaire on Youth's Affective Quality". This instrument dealt with the complexities in affect measurement and is of great theoretical and practical significance. The questionnaire was used to investigate youth affect development on twenty-nine different affects,including patriotism,affectionateness,integrity,responsibility,learning happiness,self-confidence,achievements,exploration,curiosity; aesthetic for craftwork,aesthetic for nature,aesthetic for art,aesthetic for environments,aesthetic for science; well-being,self-reliance,passion,cherish,cooperation,gregariousness,affiliation,trustworthiness,intimacy,forgiveness,emotionally appealing,emotional cognition,emotional experience,emotional evaluation,emotional adjustment. They belong to six categories (moral affection,rational affection,esthetic affection,interpersonal affection,life affection and emotional intelligence) that evolve from the identity level of affection and the operational level of affection. Item analysis,analysis of reliability and validity and the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis all verified that the questionnaire met with the criterion of an effective measurement tool. Based on the analysis of the sub-questionnaires,we also carried out the high-order factor analysis which confirmed the presence of a higher-order factor – the "affective quality". This finding strongly supports the definition and the theoretical basis of "affective quality". The questionnaire is administered to 25,485 students of primary schools,junior schools,high schools and vocational schools. The geological regions encompasses those of well-developed,developed and less developed regions in China including 117 schools in urban and suburban areas of nine major cities(Beijing,Shanghai,Guangzhou,Changchun,Zhengzhou,Xian,Xining,Guiyang,Haikou). The results showed:1) As a whole,the affective quality of youth in China are positive,but still needs to be improved. 2) A structural difference mainly exists between males and females. 3) From the elementary,junior to high school,affective quality exhibited a downward trend,in which learning happiness and self-confidence has reached significance level. 4) Affective quality was correlated positively with students' self-evaluation of learning performance and their parents' educational levels. 5) Good teacher-student relationships,enthusiasm of teachers' classroom teaching facilitated directly and importantly to the development in all aspects of students' affective quality. This investigation crucially supplies first-hand information for educators on how to improve the affective quality of youth students as well as for academics on the theoretical implications for affective quality research.
出处 《心理学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第12期1152-1164,共13页 Acta Psychologica Sinica
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"和谐社会建构背景下的青少年情感素质研究"(07BSH052) 全国教育科学"十一五"规划教育部重点课题"我国青少年情感素质现状 发展及培养的研究"(DBA060093) 上海市哲学社会科学规划课题"当代青少年情感素质现状的研究"(2006BJY007)的研究成果之一 上海市重点学科"发展与教育心理学"建设项目资助(S30401)
关键词 青少年 情感 情感素质 问卷 调查 youth affect affective quality questionnaire investigation
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