
法国社会党的社会政策偏好:传统与变迁 被引量:2

Social Policy Preferences of the French Socialist Party:Traditions and Transformation
摘要 自20世纪80年代以来,随着西欧福利国家进入后工业化时期,如何适应从传统政治向新政治的转变,实现自我转型成为西欧左翼政党普遍面临的问题。通过对1981-2002年间法国社会党社会政策偏好转变的分析,本文认为法国社会党的社会政策偏好从传统政治中的以阶级联盟为基础走向新政治中的以就业联盟为基础。然而在现有社会条件的制约下,这种以就业联盟为导向的社会政策所带来的结果是社会保障制度二元化和更大程度的社会不平等,以社会民主主义为宗旨的欧洲左翼政党依然面临巨大的挑战。 Since the 1980s,as the west European welfare states entered into a post-industrial era,it became a general problem facing the left-wing parties of Western Europe to adapt themselves to the transformation from the traditional to the new politics.Through an analysis of the changes of the social policy preferences of the French Socialist Party from 1981 to 2002,this paper points out that the foundation on which it builds its preferences has changed from an alliance based on class to a new politics based on labor market division.However,limited by the current social structure,this policy preference led to high expenditure on social protection and high unemployment rate,which indicates that great challenges exist to the European left parties who take social democracy as their ideology.
作者 李姿姿
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第6期47-58,共12页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
基金 中央编译局社会科学基金青年项目(项目编号08C04)的资助
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