

Application of analytic hierarchy process on floodplain development and stream management
摘要 台湾地区近年来经济发展促使国民对河川区域内土地利用及休闲游憩空间的需求也相应增加,为能适度开发该土地之经济价值,且在不影响河防安全之前提下,民众可依水利法及河川管理办法相关规定向河川管理机关申请许可使用,因此目前河川区域实际已是在多元利用中。本研究为探讨河川相关使用行为及亲水性活动之合适性,确立河川区域内使用行为评估体系,并运用多评准决策之分析阶层程序法(AHP),针对河防安全考虑、生态及自然环境维护及人文环境等条件提出一套评定量化的评估方法,建立评定各类许可使用行为对河防安全及河川环境维护之评估指数。研究结果显示,应用本文所提出之评估方法对于目前各种使用行为进行定性定量评估,显示评估后之指数分布情形,亦切实反应台湾河川目前实务管理现况情形。 Demands for utilizing open spaces on floodplains for aesthetic and recreational purposes have increased in recent years with economic development. In order to promote economic values of lands in the floodplain, residents have been allowed to apply to the stream and river management agency for permits to use floodplain lands for commercial activities, under the principle of not jeopardizing the flood prevention and protection functions of the floodplains. In reality, a good portion of the floodplains has already been under used for multiple purposes. The objectives of this project are to: 1 )Survey floodplain-wide programs and examine the relative appropriateness of riparian activities; 2 )Develop an assessment system for measuring the environmental conditions in relation to floodplain activities by applying the multi-criteria analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to evaluate the activities' effects on flood protection, habitats and natural- as well as human-environments; 3)Establish a set of quantifiable estimate indices for assessing the flood protection and environmental performance of permissible floodplain activities. From our research, it is demonstrated that the AHP multi-criteria decision method is efficient in organizing and analyzing multiple influential factors, can lead to a quantifiable assessment method, and can clearly delineate weight distribution for various floodplain activities. Our analysis also shows the demonstration of estimating indices does reflect contemporary river management practices.
出处 《泥沙研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期14-23,共10页 Journal of Sediment Research
关键词 河川管理 分析阶层程序法(AHP) 评估指数 river management analytic hierarchy process(AHP) estimate indices
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