研究了曼彻斯特编解码方法,采用VHDL语言在CPLD上实现了编解码,使系统的功能高度集成,提高了系统的灵活性与兼容性。通过MAX+PLUSⅡ仿真了2 MB/s速率下的编解码,结果和理论分析一致,验证了编解码电路设计的有效性和可行性。
This paper studied the approch of Manchester encoding and decoding, adopted VHDL to realize the encoding and decoding. It made the function of the system intergrated, improved the flexibility and compatibility of the system. Simulating the encoding and decoding with the speed of 2 MB/s in MAX+PLUS II, the simulation is consistent with the theoretical analysis,which validates the efficiency and possibility of the circuit design.
Microcomputer & Its Applications