目的:了解我院儿科门诊抗菌药物的使用情况,评价其用药合理性。方法:随机抽取我院2009年1月~3月每月连续10天的儿科门诊处方共2 511张,对抗菌药物应用情况进行调查分析。结果:使用抗菌药物处方2 243张,抗菌药物使用率为89.3%,其中静脉给药占使用抗菌药物处方的85.5%,口服给药仅占14.5%。抗菌药物与抗病毒药合用处方1 706张,占抽查处方总数的67.9%,占使用抗菌药物处方的76.1%。单用抗菌药物(包括与抗病毒药合用)处方2 003张,占使用抗菌药物处方的89.3%;二联用抗菌药物处方237张,占使用抗菌药物处方的10.6%;三联用抗菌药物处方3张,占使用抗菌药物处方的0.1%。结论:我院儿科门诊抗菌药物使用存在较多的问题,应及时采取有效措施加强抗菌药物的合理应用和规范化管理。
OBJECTIVE: To probe into the utilization of drugs in pediatric outpatients and evaluate its rationality. METHODS: A total of 2 511 outpatient prescriptions sampled in our hospital in 10 consecutive clays monthly from Jan. to Mar. in 2009 were analyzed in respect of the utilization of antibiotics. RESULTS: Of the total 2 511 prescriptions reviewed, 89.3% (2 243) prescribed antibiotics, of which, 85.5% prescribed antibiotics that administered intravenously, and antibiotics that administered orally represented only 14.5%; 67.9% (1 706) prescribed antibiotics plus antivirus drug concomitantly, which accounted for 67.9 % of all the prescriptions reviewed or 76.1% of all the antibiotic prescriptions. Of all the antibiotic prescriptions, 89.3 % (2 003) prescribed antibiotics alone or in combination with antivirus drugs; 10.6% prescriptions prescribed two kinds of antibiotics in combination and 0.1% (3) prescribed three kinds of antibiotics in combination. CONCLUSION: There are many detected lie in the pediatric utilization of antibiotics, thus effective measures should be taken to tighten control on the rational use and standard management of antibiotics.
Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-use in Hospitals of China
Pediatric patient
Antimicrobial drugs
Rational drug use