
基于P2P网络的即时通信系统研究 被引量:5

The Research of Instant Message System Based on P2P Network
摘要 首先研究了P2P技术的基本模型等与系统相关的话题,并介绍了如何实现对等端的通信——IP打洞,在此基础上提出了基于P2P的即时通信系统的结构模型,并描述了该系统中各模块的功能特点,并通过Java平台对系统中的即时通信功能进行了设计和实现。最后对本文的工作以及P2P技术的前景进行了总结。 The paper took research on the topics that related to the basal models and so on about P2P.Then the paper explain-ed how the peers communicate with each other-piercing IP.On the base of theoretical researches,It brings up the model of instant messaging system which based on P2P.In this model,there are some descriptions about system structure model and module function;Design and realization of instant communication were presented built upon Java platform.Finally,the paper summarized the work that had done and prospect the future of P2P.
作者 王素红 常悦
出处 《长春理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 2009年第4期657-659,共3页 Journal of Changchun University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 P2P 即时通信 JAVA P2P instant message JAVA
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