
Manuel Castells与流空间理论 被引量:11

Research on Manuel Castells and Space of Flows Theory
摘要 在著名社会学家Manuel Castells丰沛的理论研究中,流空间理论举足重轻。该理论首先在其《信息化社会》一书中提出,在《网络社会的崛起》中得以进一步阐释,并在之后得到Castells的不断修正,成为信息时代空间理论的典范。理解流空间理论可以从四个方面着手:网络与流,网络城市,双重城市以及无限时间。网络和流阐释流空间的基本元素;网络城市表达了流空间理论对应的城市关注;双重城市不仅指出了城市空间的两重属性,也揭示了经济社会在流空间作用下的特性;无限时间理论则从时空关联角度讨论了流空间。 Space of flows is one of most important theories in Manuel Castells's numerous theories. This theory was brought out in The Informational City: Information technology, economic restructuring, and the urban regional process at first, was explained in The Rise of Network Society further and was revised step by step after that. Space of flows becomes the one of classical space theories in the information times. There are four aspects to understand this theory: networks and flows, network cities, dual cities, timeless time. Networks and flows explain the basic elements in space of flows; network cities focus on the cities in space of flows; dual cities do not only pointed out the dualism of the cities, but also the attribution of economic city under the flows; timeless time discusses the space of the flows from the time dimension.
出处 《华中建筑》 2009年第12期60-62,共3页 Huazhong Architecture
关键词 流空间 网络与流 网络城市 双重城市 无限时间 Space of flows, Networks and flows, Network cities, Dual cities, Timeless time
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