
权力距离、不确定性规避对跨国公司总部知识转移的调节效应研究 被引量:8

Moderating Effect of Power Distance and Uncertainty Avoidance on Knowledge Transferring of MNCs' Headquarters
摘要 目前有关跨国公司在华子公司的知识转移研究较少,尤其是文化的调节作用研究更少。本文从在华子公司的角度,分析跨国公司总部向在华子公司转移知识时,总部的知识传播意愿和知识转移渠道的丰富性对知识转移效果的影响,重点分析权力距离和不确定性规避的调节效应,建立相应的理论模型,为跨国公司提高跨文化知识转移效果提出相应的对策建议。本文通过对219家在华子公司的实证研究得出:(1)跨国公司总部的知识传播意愿、正式和社会化知识转移渠道对知识转移效果有正向影响,支持了知识转移意愿对知识转移效果有影响的观点;(2)权力距离和不确定规避只对总部社会化知识传播渠道丰富性与知识转移效果之间的关系起负向调节作用,表明权力距离和不确定性规避纬度上的文化差异是通过调节人际沟通从而对知识转移效果产生影响的。 There are many factors influencing the effectiveness of knowledge transferring from MNCs' headquarters to its subsidiaries. This article will, from the perspective of subsidiaries in China, analyze the influence of headquarters' knowledge dissemination willingness and richness of knowledge transferring channels on the effectiveness of knowledge transferring when MNCs' headquarters transfers knowledge to its subsidiaries in China,with an emphasis on the moderating effect of power distance and uncertainty avoidance, and will establish theoretical model and put forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions for MNCs improving the effectiveness of cross-cultural knowledge transfer. Using a sample of 219 MNC subsidiaries in China, this article: (1) demonstrates that knowledge dissemination willingness, richness of formal and social knowledge transferring channels of MNCs' head-quarters have influence on the effectiveness of knowledge transfer, thereby supporting the view that knowledge transferring willingness has influence on the effectiveness of knowledge transfer ; (2) finds that both cultural differences in power distance and uncertainty avoidance play negative moderating roles in the relationship between the richness of social knowledge dissemination channels and transfer effectiveness, which indicates cultural differences in power distance and uncertainty avoidance have effect on the effectiveness of knowledge transfer through regulating interpersonal communication.
作者 徐笑君
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期61-68,共8页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"跨国公司内知识国际转移的文化影响机理研究"(70671028) 国家社科基金重大项目"科教兴国与建设人力资源强国战略研究"(07&ZD042)
关键词 知识转移 影响因素 权力距离 不确定性规避 跨国公司总部 knowledge transfer influential factors power distance uncertainty avoidance MNCs' headquarters
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