By use of biological metaphor methods, the concept of enterprise habitat is put forward, and habitat characteristics and the market distribution structure of the enterprise were analyzed. And then the paper explored the impact relationship between the habitat characteristics, market distribution structure and the performance of the enterprises, formed the corresponding conceptual model and research hypothesis. By the investigation of 320 listed companies in China, the paper makes the empirical analysis to the hypothesis by using the statistical hypothesis testing model of research. The results show that the performance of the manufaeturing brands depends on the habitat characteristics, market distribution structure features and enterprise capabilities, and was impacted by the size and location of the habitat cities. In various of the environment elements in the habitat, socio-economic environment and the impact of government support are more strongly than natural resources. This means that although the ability to obtain the resources and visibility of the enterprises living in small cities or towns were affected by the environment elements, but this disadvantage would be eliminated by the unique advantage of the political resources. The impact of the habitat characteristics especially the resources conditions and government support to business enterprises performance was regulated by the size of the cities. Distribution structure characteristics of the market has a significant impact on business performance, the higher the dispersion of the distribution market and the weaker regional market competition were, the better business performance was.
China Industrial Economics
enterprises habitat
habitat characteristics of enterprises
the market distribution structure
enterprises performance