Foreign Medical Sciences(Section On Neurology & Neurosurgery)
1Barbanti Brodano G,Martini F,De Mattei M et al.BK and JC human polyomavi-ruses and simian virus 40: natural history of infection in humans, experimentaloncogenicity, and association with human tumors. Advances in Virus Research . 1998
2Lednicky JA,Garcea RT,Bergsagel DJ et al.Natulal simian virus 40 strains arepresent in human ehoroid plexus and ependymoma tumors. Journal of Virology . 1995
3Butel JS,Lednicky JA.Cell and molecular biology of simian virus 40: implicationsfor human infections and disease. Journal of the National Cancer Institute . 1999
4Mather CM,Rizzo P,Pass HI et al.The biological activities of simian virus 40large-T antigen and its possible oncogenic effects in humans. Monaldi Arch ChestDis . 1998
5Martini F,Iaccheri L,Lazzcrin L et al.SV40 early region and large T antigen inhuman brain tumors, peripheral blood cells, and sperm fluids from healthy individuals. Cancer Research . 1996
6Woloschak M,Yu A,Kalmon D.Detection of polyomaviral DNA sequences innormal and adenomatous human pituitary tissues using the polymerase chain reaction. Cancer . 1995
7Martini F,Lazzarin L,laccheri L et al.Simian virus 40 footprints in normalhuman tissues, brain and bone tumors of different histotypes. Developments in Biological Standardization . 1998
8Carbone M,Rizzo P,Pass HI.Simian virus 40, poliovaccines and human tumors: areview of recent developments. Oncegene . 1997
9Seizinger BR.Antioncogenes and the development of tumors in the human ner-vous system. Cancer . 1992
10Bergsagel DJ,Finegold MJ,Butel JS,et al.DNA sequences similar to those ofsimian virus 40 in cpendymomas and choroid plexus tumors of chidhood. The New England Journal of Medicine . 1992
2兰青,黄强.肿瘤组织块接种法建立人脑肿瘤裸小鼠移植模型的研究[J].中华神经外科杂志,1995,11(2):116-117. 被引量:2
5陈保东,袁先厚,江普查,陈卫国,文志华.核因子-κB在人脑肿瘤中的表达及意义[J].中国癌症杂志,2003,13(1):24-26. 被引量:2
8罗克枢.人脑肿瘤原代培养的SEM观察[J].西南部队医药,1989,4(4):11-13. 被引量:1
10甄海宁,章翔,步星耀,黄文晋,张志文,肖华胜.人脑肿瘤中SV40大T抗原与pRb形成特异性复合物[J].癌症,1999,18(4):409-411. 被引量:1